
Stand Designer

ThreeKit is an innovator that lets you create, manage and scale beautiful photorealistic images and configurable 3D product visuals, all from a single design file. This is transforming the e-commerce landscape by enabling engagement between a physical product and consumers.
Threekit chose to partner with Regis for their event marketing to ensure that product brands, e-commerce platforms and online stores got access to this revolution in digital technology and to see them grow with a prosperous future.

The team at Regis designed an environment that would stand out from the crowd and ensure the message connected with the audience, and that they could see the massive potential that is being offered by Threekit’s powerful suite. We brought the space alive with the use of foliage and graphics that toned well with the brand colours of Threekit.

Incorporating sleek demo stations in a space of this nature worked brilliantly and offered delegates a flavour of the powerful tool they were offering. A counter equipped with charging stations, storage for necessaries and a drinks fridge were also included to offer attendees a beverage whilst exploring how the software can empower them.

ThreeKit managed to showcase their solution and received a great response and superb return on investment with prospects continuing to engage post-event through clear precise planning from the Threekit VP of Marketing.

Communicating the company and product brand was important but more so, was engaging with a taste of the culture that sees Threekit propel strongly into the future.

Does your company culture come through at your events? Look throughout insight blogs for more on how to get this right or reach out to the team here at Regis for more information.

What Our Clients Say

You guys were really brilliant and the stand was a huge success. You made organising my first event of this scale a lot easier and even provided a delicious cake! Everyone is still going on about how great the stand was and it really is down to you guys for being great. I look forward to working with you on events in the future.
Emma Beaumont
I'm reaching out to you this morning to again say thank you for everything – you were definitely an awesome addition to the team. Thank you for taking care of the whole coffee machine as well. We will keep you in mind for sure as we do plan on doing some more shows out there – thanks!
Julie Robinson
Alex and Marni are my favourite people to work with (they didn't even pay me to say that). They have worked with Braintree/PayPal for a long time and know the brand very well. I can leave them to their own devices because I know they are going to produce an awesome stand, which more often than not is the envy of other businesses.
Soti - Paula Simas
Just a quick message to say thank you for being so bloody wonderful to me. Because of yours and Alex’s support, help, guidance and time my life is so different to this time last year and I honestly can’t thank you enough. You’ve helped me in so many ways and given me so much confidence that I can do it and I am good at what I do. You have both helped me to change my life and I am so grateful. Lots of love! Have a happy Saturday! 💕
Emily May